Solstice Bhakti Ritual Flow & Kirtan

with Shiva Rea and Govind Das and Jacqueline Michelle

Sunday, December 22nd • 3-6pm

Join us for a powerful & uplifting evening of mantra & community! We can’t wait to come together in person to sing and dance our prayers!

For many world cultures, the Solstice is the true new year as the ritual marker to truly let go, honor and bring closure to the past year and ignite our deepest visions and intentions for the coming year as the light is emerging. Our bodies as nature are intimately connected with this macro solar rhythm giving us a powerful opportunity to align and be in harmony with the greater flow.

While the outer world moves in a holiday flurry, join Shiva, Govind Das and Jacqueline Michelle in this Prana Yoga Flow, Kirtan and meditation ritual to dive into the deeper rhythm of inner renewal – the rebirth of the light.

Come as you are and if you like, feel free to explore ritual colors – white, gold, yellow, orange, red, black.

We look forward to sharing this special event with you.

Email to register

Price: $35

522 Santa Monica Blvd ( Upstairs)

To register IN-PERSON email us Bhakti Yoga Shala to register:
For virtual/online streaming register here and be sure to select VIRTUAL at checkout: