Special Thanksgiving Day Kirtan Vinyasa with Govind Das & Radha
Thursday, November 26 at 10am (Thanksgiving Day) on Zoom
Kickstart your Thanksgiving morning with a beautiful Kirtan Vinyasa flow
offered by Govind Das and Radha on Zoom. While we can’t all be together
during this holiday, we are excited to connect with our bhakti family
from around the world.
TO REGISTER EMAIL bhaktiyogashala@gmail.com
TO REGISTER EMAIL bhaktiyogashala@gmail.com
Special Thanksgiving Day Kirtan Vinyasa with Govind Das & Radha
Thursday, November 26 at 10am (Thanksgiving Day) on Zoom
Kickstart your Thanksgiving morning with a beautiful Kirtan Vinyasa flow
offered by Govind Das and Radha on Zoom. While we can’t all be together
during this holiday, we are excited to connect with our bhakti family
from around the world.
TO REGISTER EMAIL bhaktiyogashala@gmail.com
COST: $11
TO REGISTER EMAIL bhaktiyogashala@gmail.com
COST: $11